I don't really spend too much time proofing what I write here, I enjoy just getting it all out in one sitting, letting the words flow, and seeing what I end up with. It feels good not worrying about expectations or rules. If you don't like what I write, then you've only wasted a few minutes. But if I can put a smile on your face or an interesting thought in your mind, then I've done something worthwhile.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

new poetry (first draft)


By Sara Theurer

Summer is thick like

breath under the sheets

as you fall asleep.

Stale air, bitter

and humid.

Today the wind blew

cool as new breath

taken from the bedroom air.

Breath drawn desperately from

the cold, fresh space.

The sharp, citrus breeze

cleans the palette

and feel strange at first. But,

wonderful as it permeates

your clothes and tiptoes

up your back.

I’d almost forgotten the Fall.

The peppermint tea end

to an arduous summer

is a happy surprise.

I stepped outside

and could breathe again.