I don't really spend too much time proofing what I write here, I enjoy just getting it all out in one sitting, letting the words flow, and seeing what I end up with. It feels good not worrying about expectations or rules. If you don't like what I write, then you've only wasted a few minutes. But if I can put a smile on your face or an interesting thought in your mind, then I've done something worthwhile.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Samples of My First Poetry


parasitic ooze envelops

something dead and defenseless,

slowly filling lungs,

calcifying in the ears, nose.

the tomb locks limbs,

arrests movement and expression.


the insatiable ore devours then desires

more. more but is patient.

satisfied for now.

over time calculates.

after the last digit is consumed

it reaches out

into darkness it searches,

grows hungry teeth

every direction

desiring more

to taste.

Epic on a Waterspout

It was a cold, dreary day.

The clouds hung low in the sky

Heavy and dark with precipitation.

A tiny, lone arachnid made her way home.

As she began her climb up the cold metal pipe

A single bead of water flew past her.

Multiple lenses flashed toward the ground,

Watched as more and more drops pounded the cement.

With a strobe of lightening the sky let loose.

A torrent of rain showered down on the petite heroin

As she was pulled down with the mini monsoon.

She saw the whole 12 days of her life flash before her 8 eyes.

With a splash she found herself in an inch deep lake,

Barely able to stay afloat.

She made her way to the safety of an old tin can.

In time the rain subsided,

And the intrepid little bug made her way back

To the lofty column.

As the sun reemerged and evaporated the residual liquid

The diminutive creepy-crawly begrudgingly resumed her trip

Up the pipe, home to most likely watch her Soaps.


They are collected once a year,

The victims of ritual sacrifice.

They are poked, stabbed and gutted.

Ripped apart from the inside,

Their innards splattered thoughtlessly-

Mutilated, violated.

Pieces cut away,

Often devoured.

Transformed into empty lifeless faces,

Menacing, sneering.

Eyes burning in fixed stares.

Fiery, but without passion.

They can never be changed back.

Altered forever, until death,

A slow, rotting, decomposing end.

Shriveling flesh caves in

As a molding, putrid stench

Offends the noses of their captors.

No sympathy, no memory,

They are discarded, forgotten.

The fate of their every generation.

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