I don't really spend too much time proofing what I write here, I enjoy just getting it all out in one sitting, letting the words flow, and seeing what I end up with. It feels good not worrying about expectations or rules. If you don't like what I write, then you've only wasted a few minutes. But if I can put a smile on your face or an interesting thought in your mind, then I've done something worthwhile.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Epic Fail

For some reason I've come to believe that I was born the quintessential Susie-Homemaker, who can cook everything from scrambled eggs to filet mignon to creme brulee, fix almost anything in the house, and sew as well as a professional seamstress. As it turns out, I was sadly mistaken. Well, on one out of three counts...

I can't sew. I mean, I can sew, I have made a few pretty baller aprons, and hemmed countless pairs of pants, but that's about the extent of it. A few minutes ago I dumped a pile of red cotton, jersey-knit fabric into the trash because I failed at turning it into a simple dress. As it turns out, there is actually a kind of geometry and logic that goes into pattern-making that I just don't have. I spent well over 10 hours on this project- sewing, ripping, re-sewing, measuring once, cutting twice, and poking myself in the fingers with pins I don't know how many times, and ultimately failed.

In the hopes that I just chose a ridiculous fabric to attempt my first pattern with, I purchased some $10/yard blue and green floral silk for my next project: a top and skirt. As if silk is the obvious next choice for an easy fabric to work with... Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into?

Stay tuned for further updates on the Susie-Homemaker home front.

On an entirely separate note, I'm returning to the job hunt in hopes that I can find 40 hr/week employment at a company that doesn't make me want to stab pencils in my ears. (That is about my only criterion as of now). As much as I enjoy sitting at a computer listening to Pandora 25 hours a week, reading and formatting incredibly interesting literature, I am nearing the end of my threshold for living with the 'rents. I'm ready to leave the nest, yes, and hopefully not fall tragically to the cold, snowy ground. Unfortunately, my $9 an hour job won't permit me to do that just yet, and a second job isn't in the cards with my 12-5, Mon-Fri schedule. It really is the most inconvenient work schedule you could ask for, albeit I don't mind sleeping in every day...

So, in addition to the aforementioned updates, stay tuned for news on the job hunt front as well!

1 comment:

  1. you made me a baller apron. and i wear it all the time! seriously. :) good luck on the job hunt....im with you!
